National Volunteer Week Celebration!

Members of MHC’s Senior Management Team, Mindemoya Hospital Auxiliary, and the MHC Auxiliary recently celebrated National Volunteer Week together. These two groups hold numerous fundraising activities throughout the year in support of patient care.  If you have been hospitalized at either site, you will no doubt have been the recipient of a patient care bag, headphones,  free cable television, or a small gift at Christmas. The Auxiliaries fund these items, as well as raising funds for the purchase of equipment.   
MHC is so very appreciative of our dedicated volunteers, who continue to fundraise in support of patient care services at our two hospital sites. Please remember to support them when approached to purchase raffle tickets, or attend one of their fundraising events.  Both Auxiliaries are always looking for new members, too!.

Main image above - Photo from L to R:
Back Row – John Carlisle, Eric Theriault (VP/CFO), and Dennis McGregor (Board Chair)
Middle Row – Paula Fields (President & CEO), Marilyn Holmes, Annette Murphy, Mary-Alice Lewis, Margery Frisch, Lin Diebel, Carmen Adam, Andrea Lewis, Shelley Lanktree, Ronda McDonald and Jan McQuay
Front Row – Carole Gilmore, Margaret Cadieux (Mindemoya President), Dawn Orr (Little Current President), Shirley McGregor and Leila Thureson